Balance Bike Brand Information & Reviews

red mini glider balance bikeKids Balance Bike Reviews and Information is available on the bikes we carry in the links below!

At Kids Balance bikes we like to check out each bike personally and offer as much information as possible to help parents pick out the best bike for their child!

Check out our review pages below to see which balance bike catches YOUR eye!

Here is the place to get a quick look at the specs and some additional information you may not find on the purchase pages or other websites.

We will offer pictures and videos so you can envision your child on the bike as well!

A key factor to finding the perfect balance bike is to make sure it fits when it arrives at your door. 

Measuring your child's inseam especially if they are tall or short for their age will help you make sure you are buying the right size bike.

We get calls from people who feel their child is very tall for their age and consider getting a bigger bike.   Kid's legs (inseam) don't catch up to their height until about age 4!   So a tall 2 year old,  may still have the inseam of an average 2 year old.   

Not always, but as a rule, the younger the child, the shorter the legs.  You just want to make sure they can straddle the bike seat with feet flat on the ground and walk the bike forward when they first try out their bike!

Click on the image or brand name below to go to that page for Specs and more information!  It's our goal for that these kids balance bikes review pages help in assuring you that you are choosing the right bike for your child and family!

Still uncertain?  Please  contact us via email for advice!


2012 Strider Prebike Red mini Glider balance bike Kazam balance bike
Strider Prebike Glide Bikes Kazam
 Kinderbikes Balance Bike  FirstBIKE balance bike  Tykes Bykes Balance Bikes
 Kinderbikes  FirstBIKES Tykes Bykes 12" and 16"
 Early Rider Wooden Bike  Wishbone Wooden Bike  Burley Mykick Balance bike
 Early Rider Wooden Bikes  Wishbone Bikes  Burley MyKick Balance Bike



 Scoot by Ridgeback balance bike



Scoot by Ridgeback    





This is a fantastic site - thank you for all of your help. I received a personal phone call helping me find the right balance bike for my 4 year old boy and 2 1/2 year old girl. We have the red Scoot for 4 yr old and the pink Strider, both very easy to put together and they love them! Thank you, and I have recommended your site to other moms.
My 4 year old daughter has been hesitant riding her friends tricycles but really wanted a bike for Christmas so a friend referred me to this website. She is having so much fun on her bike and after a week is finding her balance and cruising!
We bought the 16" Tykes bike for our 6 year old who was having a lot of trouble learning to ride a two-wheeler. He immediately loved the bike and within two hours of practice had mastered the balance and then got up on his regular bike for the first time. Now that he is on his own two-wheeler, our 3 year old is loving the balance bike. Best purchase we have made in a long time.
Thank you so much for your time and effort! I almost went with Amazon and you saved me a huge hassle. I got the exact bike I wanted, which I wouldn't have with Amazon and my son is so happy, which makes me happier! Stacy you went above and beyond and showed what true customer service is.
The bike is perfect for my very risk averse granddaughter and she loves it. A great gift.
My father Tom purchased the Green mini glider for my 4 1/2 year old daughter. She was terrified to say the least to take the training wheels off of her regular larger bike. She received the glider Christmas morning and I don't think that she has gotten off of it since. She has ridden it to the bathroom, to the table for lunch, and all around the house. Normally this would be done outside however due to the temperatures we are allowing her to ride inside and she is taking every advantage of this. She parks it by her bed at night. She is doing great and has in about a week and a half already started to balance on her own with no help from mom or dad. All the kids in the neighborhood now want one. I have a 2 month old son and I guarantee this is how we will introduce him to riding to start. It is a great product.
love the balance bike !!! Customer Service has been the best ever !!! After about a week we are off and rolling!!
Just got this for my Daughter's 2nd birthday, she loves it wants to ride it all the time and catching on quick! Getting lots of attention on it from other parents and kids too.
Would def. rec. this, great 1st bike!
My 2 year old loves his First Bike, he was able to ride it the first day he recieved it! Excellent Bike!
I bought this for my 7 year old grandson, it was answer to prayers of fears and tears. he has dysgraphia which affects his fine motor skills. he learned in 1 day with the Glo glider and can now ride his bike without training wheels. Just cannot say enough about this lightweight fantastic bike. nana2bryson
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