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International Balance Bikes Orders

Unfortunately, we are unable to ship internationally.  As a service to you, here are some of the international vendors that we have found online for your reference.  Note: Following any of these links will take you away from the Kids Balance Bikes website.

International Balance Bike Locator

Welcome to our international balance bike locator site!  This is a work in progress!  We have been serving families in the U.S. for 6 years with their balance bike purchases.  However over 1/3 of our visitors are from out of the U.S. and also want to buy a balance bike for their child, but don't know where to look.  

For years we have been locating bikes outside of the US for you and directing you to those websites for purchase.  Now we are putting together an easy to find international balance bike locator so you can easily go directly to a dealer in your country.

Below you will find 2 options for your search.  You can search by Brand or you can search by country. 


Brand locator

Strider Canada

Strider UK

Strider Australia

Strider New Zealand

Strider South Africa

Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & A.S.E.A.N

Strider Israel

Strider Japan

Strider Korea

Strider Continental Europe

Strider Greece

Strider Equador

Strider Venezuela


Glide Bikes UK


Glide Bikes in Canada:

     Balance bikes Canada

     Run Bike Canada


Glide Bikes in NZ/Australia

12" Glide Bikes in Japan

To order directly from FirstBIKE international go to their main hub page and choose your country from the dropdown in the top right corner.

FirstBIKE is available for purchase in 45 countries!

Main FirstBIKE Hub

Early rider wooden balance bikes originate in the UK.

The main UK website is here


Here is their worldwide locator tool

Put in your country or zipcode and a list of dealers will appear.

Pedal free bikes, known to us as balance bikes were first made and commonly used in countries outside of the U.S.    It is not uncommon for kids in countries out of the U.S. to never use training wheels and be on a balance bike (instead of a trike) by age 2 and riding a pedal bike by age 3 or 4 years. 

Once you have seen a child as young as 2 years old  zipping around on a balance bike it all makes sense and the value over a trike or pedal bike with training wheels becomes very apparant.

Now we have dedicated balance bike manufacturers who specialize in the very details of how a bike should fit the little specs of a 2,  3, and a 4 year old.  They have perfected these bikes over the last several years and now they are being distributed in most countries and regions around the world.

Not only are balance bikes available in most countries, but you have choices!  Wooden, composite, metal, handbrake, non air or air tires, bikes for kids up to 9 years old.    This international balance bike locator will help you find the specific bike you are looking for in the region closest to you.