Holiday Ordering



A Balance Bikes is sure to light up your child's eyes and heart this holiday!  Having a bike under the tree or at your special holiday event is almost as exciting for the parent as it is for the child!  We want your special surprise to go smoothly, so here are a few things to keep in mind:


Things to think about...

1.  Certain bikes and colors will run out of stock way before your holiday event...even maybe before thanksgiving!   This is our 7th holiday season and every single year,  models and colors run out of stock well before some people think about ordering.   It's hard to know exactly which bikes and colors will run out - but if you have your eye on a particular model - and especially color (like pink, or orange, purple for example) it is best to order as early as possible.

Some models are just arriving in October and will have a high chance of running out quickly with no other stock expected before the holidays (Kinderbike Laufrad and Mini,  Scoot by Ridgeback)  We will keep your regularly updated on this webpage on stock issues and out of stock items or late to arrive items.


2. Where to ship to:  Many boxes can fit under a bed or be left in the garage or basement, but they are still alittle large (approx 29" x 15" X 8" for the 12" bikes).  If you think having a big box around is too tempting for eager little eyes, think about sending it to grandparents or a work address or a trusted neighbor or friend.  You will have a tracking number and know exactly what day it will arrive, so if it's coming to your home, you can make arrangements that day to avoid the front door or run ahead and put it aside before getting the kids inside.

3. Bike sizing:  Try to pick a bike that will fit you child right on the day they will be receiving it.  Although it's tempting to think of getting a larger bike because they will be alittle bigger in the Spring or Summer, you don't want them discouraged or disappointed because they can't ride it immediately.  There are plenty of winter opportunities to ride! (basements, garage, sidewalks on dry days, even in the house!). 

4. Do you need it shipped at a later date?  If you want to get your order in, but don't want your bike shipped until a specific date (or to arrive around a specific date) no problem!!   There is a notes section at check out and just put in a note to let us know what date you would like it to arrive.   Except for weather delays, we can usually determine the exact date of arrival and ship accordingly.   We will confirm that we received your order for delayed shipping so you can rest assured it was received.

5.  Expect possible weather delays from Thanksgiving onward.   We are already getting some freaky weather this year - I think it even snowed on the East coast in September!   This can mean UPS or postal service delays that are unavoidable.  We ship via UPS and Fedex which are very reliable carriers - however. when a city is snowed in... there is nothing they can do.  So try to order your bike at least 2 weeks before your holiday event to allow for unexpected delays.  Even if you live in a State with milder weather, sometimes the bike is coming from a state that has more snow or unpredictable weather. It's better to be on the safe side and order early. 

Models by availability during prior holiday seasons:

  • 16" Balance bikes are ALL and ALWAYS at risk of running out before the holidays.  This should be a priority if you plan on getting your child a 16" model to get it as soon as possible - whether it's a Strider, Tykes Byke, or Glide Bike 16" model.
  • Strider bikes 12" have a great record of staying in stock in all colors through the holidays. This is probably the only model with this record
  • Firstbikes have a high record of running out of inventory early.   There is a high chance of 1 or several colors of Kinderbikes (Laufrad or Mini or E-series air) that may run out as well
  • Scoot by Ridgeback has become a very popular model - now having the first 14" balance bike on the market and a very upscale larger 12" model for kids 3 - 6.  There is only one importer of this bike in the US, so it would be risky to wait too long if you heart is set on this model and a specific color.  This is a great bike you don't want to pass up!


Feel free to call with any questions.   We are here to ease your Holiday stressors and make this part go smooth!   We also encourage you to open your package 1-2 weeks in advance of the Holiday and make sure everything is pristine and all parts are there.   It is rare that anything goes missing, but this way we can fix any problems well in advance of the big day.

Thank you for shopping with Kids Balance Bikes!  

A great way to introduce your children to the wonderful world of biking!